Thursday, November 3, 2011

Worth a Thousand Words

Early on the morning of August 26, my younger son packed as many of his earthly goods as he could into his car and headed out for Columbus, Ohio to work for a year. As a person who loves having her "chicks" where she can get her arms around them in a hurry, this was a hard change for me, but he was so excited at the opportunity I wouldn't have stopped his going even if I could have.

He had lots of things to do before he left, lots of people he needed to see, and that included his Pap and Granny. His Granny always asked Thomas when he'd head out on one of his adventures, "Don't you need me to go with you?"  It was a running joke with them, and I have no doubt but that she asked that question on the evening of August 25, at around 7:03 p.m., right about when this picture was taken.

That's my son Thomas there, with his Pap. His Granny was the photographer.

I discovered this on her digital camera on October 21, which happened to be her 84th birthday. It was the last picture she took on her camera. Finding it was another little landmine.

I wish so much someone had thought to snap a picture of Thomas and his Granny that night, but I don't think Daddy has ever even picked up the digital camera, and it was just the three of them there.

That was my initial wish, anyway. On further reflection, she is as fully present in this photograph as if she'd been on the other side of the lens, maybe more so. These two people represent what mattered most to Mama, and they both reflect their love for her in the smiles directed her way.

Finding it on her birthday was like finding a gift she had left just for me.

Thank you, Mama.